HEPA filter is the main filter used in most air purifiers. It is mainly used to filter small molecular particles dust and various suspended solids with a diameter of more than 0.3μm. The price gap ...
1. Intercept the dust particles in the air, move with inertial motion or random Brownian motion or move by some field force. When the particle motion hits other objects, the van der Waals force exi...
The air filter is the core equipment of the air conditioning purification system. The filter creates resistance to the air. As the filter dust increases, the filter resistance will increase. When t...
HEPA air filter maintenance is an important issue. Let’s first understand what is a HEPA filter: the HEPA filter is mainly used to collect dust and various suspended solids below 0.3um, using...
The air filter is the core equipment of the air conditioning purification system. The filter creates resistance to the air. As the filter dust increases, the filter resistance will increase. When t...
According to the “Technical Specification for Hospital Cleansing Department” GB 5033-2002, the clean air conditioning system should be in a controlled state, which should not only ensur...